

Recommended Plugins

Here is a list of popular third-party plugins which have been known to work with FooEvents and extend the functionality of your store or website. Please Note: FooEvents doesn’t provide support or accept any liability for these plugins User Role Editor User Role Editor is a free WordPress plugin which allows you to change user

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FooEvents for WooCommerce officially has recommended plugin status in WPML’s plugin directory We’ve worked extensively with the WordPress Multilingual (WPML) team to ensure that all the FooEvents plugins are compatible so you can translate content into different languages and run fully multilingual websites. WPML makes it easy to run a multilingual website with a single

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The FooEvents plugins come bundled with translations for several popular languages and locales which are listed here. You can also translate FooEvents into any language of your choice using one of these methods: Use the WordPress language files to change the language of your site and all text outputs Use a third-party plugin called WordPress

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Can FooEvents be used in other languages?

The FooEvents plugins come bundled with translations for several popular languages and locales which are listed here: You can modify the bundled translations or create your own custom language files using a free software application called Poedit. The instructions for creating custom language files and uploading them to your site can be found in

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