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Product Roadmap

Right from the beginning, we’ve developed FooEvents based on our customer’s needs. Furthermore, every new feature that we add to FooEvents is the direct result of customer feedback. The following list outlines some of the most popular requests that we have received from the FooEvents community. Take a peak into our crystal ball to see where FooEvents is going and what we’re currently working on 🔮

In the works | Popular Requests | Integration Requests | Requested Features | Completed Features

Please Note: The items below are not listed in any particular order and not all features are guaranteed to be implemented. Click on the feature name below to sign-up to be notified as soon as the feature goes live.

In the works Status Product
Calendar Block In-progress FooEvents
Attendee Block In-progress FooEvents
View tickets in FooEvents POS In-progress FooEvents POS
WooCommerce Cart and Checkout block support In-progress FooEvents
Link slots to variations Up next Bookings
Create WP users for attendees TBC FooEvents
Popular Requests Status Product
e-Ticket / Mobile ticket view TBC FooEvents
Self check-in on ticket TBC FooEvents
Ticket theme editor TBC FooEvents
Option to send tickets through WhatsApp TBC Check-ins app
Modify booking (attendee) TBC Bookings
Booking slot reports TBC Bookings
Bookings calendar selector TBC Bookings
Booking slot duration / end time TBC Bookings
Check-ins App
Badge Printing at check-in TBC Check-ins App
iPad and Desktop check-in app TBC Check-ins App
Point of Sale
Seating Chart for selecting seats TBC Seating
Select booking dates using a calendar TBC Bookings
Attendees shortcode (blocks) TBC Attendee Fields
Enhanced attendee fields display TBC Attendee Fields
Global Attendee Fields TBC Attendee Fields
Display custom fields on product pages TBC Attendee Fields
Support for file upload fields TBC Attendee Fields
Link attendee fields to specific variations TBC Attendee Fields
Conditional custom attendee fields TBC Attendee Fields
Add “text label” type to Custom Attendee Fields TBC Attendee Fields
Calendar and list view title formatting TBC Calendar
Enhanced Calendar TBC Calendar
Filter search on calendar TBC Calendar
Calendar card popup TBC Calendar
Hide ‘out of stock’ events in calendar TBC Calendar
Advanced seating functionality TBC Seating
Global seating chart TBC Seating
Block seats automatically (e.g. physical distancing requirements) TBC Seating
Seating / Bookings integration TBC Seating
Integration Requests
Google Meet integration Integrations
Google Classroom integration Integrations
Twitch integration Integrations
Jitsi integration Integrations
Vimeo integration Integrations
Advanced Zoom integration Integrations
Improved multi-vendor support Integrations
Two-way syncing between FooEvents and Google Calendar/iCal Integrations
Add support for Facebook Events to calendar Integrations
Apple Wallet integration Integrations
Add support for WooCommerce Product Bundles Integrations
OpenStreetMap integration Integrations
Integrate with Integrations
Zapier Integration Integrations
WooCommerce Smart Coupons Integration FooEvents POS
Requested Features
Compatibility with new WooCommerce product editor experience FooEvents
Search or filter options on reports listing FooEvents
Default values/settings for events FooEvents
Waitlist functionality FooEvents
Copy custom fields button on checkout form FooEvents
Display price, discounts and total in attendee CSV export FooEvents
Add events and non-events filter to the orders page FooEvents
Add event variations and categories to ticket list FooEvents
Email tickets to purchaser and attendees FooEvents
Global events map FooEvents
Disable .ics for all events FooEvents
Option to hide events when sold out FooEvents
Variation table layout FooEvents
Transfer ticket ownership FooEvents
Ability to upgrade a ticket FooEvents
Add event filter to orders page (list of events) FooEvents
Bulk ticket creation FooEvents
Add variation image to ticket (VIP|General etc) FooEvents
Add payment method to attendee export FooEvents
One ticket email per order with tickets from all events FooEvents
Global ticket themes FooEvents
Centrally manage event locations FooEvents
Centrally manage event organizer details FooEvents 
Show date in shop listing FooEvents
Front-end content submission FooEvents
Add support for Event schema FooEvents
Add Google Event markup FooEvents
Order events/products by date in WordPress admin area FooEvents
Add option to download PDF ticket on checkout thank you page PDF Tickets
Add column support to event list shortcode Calendar
Sortable columns Express Check-ins
Improved display of variations Check-ins Apps
Retain booking form selection when adding to cart Bookings
Completed Features Product
Split Payments (1 May 2024) FooEvents POS
Group Order Check-ins (29 Apr 2024) Check-ins Apps
Add sound notifications when checking-in a ticket (29 Apr 2024) Check-ins Apps
Event Listing block (8 April 2024) FooEvents
Add sound notifications when checking-in a ticket (18 March 2024) Express Check-ins
AutomateWoo Integration (23 January 2024) FooEvents
New Plugin Translations (23 January 2024) FooEvents
Booking Wizard (6 November 2023) Bookings
Incrementing ticket numbers (raffles, race numbers, lotto numbers) – 8 August 2023 FooEvents
Edit incomplete orders – 5 June 2023 FooEvents POS
Order status management (in progress, shipped, ready) – 5 June 2023 FooEvents POS
Import Tickets – 23 January 2023 FooEvents
Sell and print tickets from POS – 8 November 2022 FooEvents POS
Booking Expiration Scheduler – 3 Oct 2022 Bookings
Seating Icon Types – 3 Oct 2022 Seating
Numeric Ticket ID in CSV export – 3 Oct 2022 FooEvents
Resend tickets from order page – 3 Oct 2022 FooEvents
Booking admin calendar (manage bookings) 3 Oct 2022 FooEvents
Send email/reminder to attendees (WooCommerce Follow-ups integration) – 24 May 2022 FooEvents
Set ticket sending order status trigger- 24 May 2022 FooEvents
Mailchimp integration – 14 March 2022 FooEvents
Option to only check-in tickets taking place that day – 7 March 2022 Check-ins app
Show all dates on the ticket for multi-day events – 15 February 2022 Multi-day
Choose different start and end times for each day of multi-day events – 15 February 2022 Multi-day
Send tickets to custom email addresses instead of only site admin FooEvents 
Display booking date and slot on the cart screen Bookings
Check-in log FooEvents
Hide specific seats (e.g. physical distancing requirements) Seating
Ability to set seating columns and walk ways Seating
Display date before slot Bookings
Bookings / Zoom integration Bookings
Show seating chart on event page (available seats) Seating
Enhanced add ticket screen FooEvents
View attendee details for unpaid tickets (within orders) FooEvents
Enhanced ticket information screen FooEvents
Bookings / time slots Bookings
Recurring events Bookings
Allow customers to choose which days they will attend Bookings / Multi-day
Display attendee information on orders FooEvents
Expire past events FooEvents
Disable sales on past events FooEvents
Archive past events FooEvents
Expire Tickets FooEvents
Improved dark mode support Check-ins Apps
App design update Check-ins Apps
Scan ticket without first selecting the event Check-ins Apps
Restrict event check-in privileges Check-ins Apps
Select which events are displayed within the apps Check-ins Apps
Sort tickets alphabetically Check-ins Apps
Display the ticket number and order number within the ticket Check-ins Apps
Chinese language support Check-ins Apps
Multi-language support Check-ins Apps
Option to copy buyer’s details to attendees FooEvents
Advanced ticket & badge maker FooEvents
Calendar .ics attachment generation FooEvents
Add events and non-events filter to products page FooEvents
Order WooCommerce shop listings by event date FooEvents
Rest API integration Check-ins Apps
Bluetooth barcode scanner support Check-ins Apps
QR code support FooEvents
Reports FooEvents
Zoom meeting integration FooEvents
Zoom webinar integration FooEvents
Option to display attendee info on admin order received email FooEvents