

How do I send reminders, notifications and follow-ups to attendees?

AutomateWoo Mailchimp WP Fusion Changing the Ticket Theme Calendar Notifications AutomateWoo FooEvents integrates with WooCommerce AutomateWoo which enables you to send automated follow-up emails and text messages (SMS) to attendees based on custom triggers for an event or booking. The AutomateWoo Integration help document explains how this works in more detail. Mailchimp FooEvents includes the […]

How do I send reminders, notifications and follow-ups to attendees? Read More »

Code Snippets

This is a Developer-level document. If you are unfamiliar with code/templates and resolving potential conflicts, please engage with a developer who is familiar with FooEvents and/or WooCommerce. Important, please read first These snippets are provided as a courtesy and do not form part of the FooEvents product offering. They are considered customizations and are not officially

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Ticket configuration

There are various settings that determine the behavior of your tickets. In this section we will outline each setting and discuss how it can be used to achieve the desired effect. Sections Ticket Settings Ticket Email Variables Global Settings Ticket Themes Settings Ticket Settings When creating an event, there are various settings that can be

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