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  5. How do I limit the number of tickets or spaces available for my event?

How do I limit the number of tickets or spaces available for my event?

Firstly, you will need to edit your event.

  • If your event is a Simple product, do the following:
    1. Go to the “Inventory” tab in the “Product data” section
    2. Select the checkbox next to “Manage stock?”
    3. Enter the “Stock Quantity” which will be the number of tickets that can be sold for this event
  • If your event is a Variable product, do the following:
    1. Go to the “Variations” tab in the “Product data” section
    2. Select a variation
    3. Select the checkbox next to “Manage stock?
    4. Enter the “Stock Quantity” which will be the number of tickets that can be sold for this variation of the event
    5. Repeat this for every variation where you want to set the ticket inventory

Make sure that you click the “update” button for the new changes to take effect.

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