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  5. How do I create a FooEvents license key and setup automatic plugin updates?

How do I create a FooEvents license key and setup automatic plugin updates?

Please note: It could take up to 24 hours for any changes to your FooEvents license key to take effect

If you purchased the plugin from

  • Log into My Account on
  • Click the License Key tab
  • Enter your website URL (NB: Make sure that you enter it exactly as it appears in your web browser including http:// OR https://) Tip: We recommend copying and pasting the URL directly from your web browser’s address bar to avoid any mistakes.
  • Click the ‘Save changes” button
  • Copy your unique FooEvents License Key
  • Navigate to FooEvents > Settings > License from the sidebar menu in your WordPress admin dashboard
  • Paste your license key into the “FooEvents license key” box and click “Save Changes

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FooEvents POS customers must also check that your license is saved correctly in FooEvents POS > Settings > General

FooEvents License Key POS General Settings

If you purchased the plugin from CodeCanyon:

  • Navigate to FooEvents > Settings > License from the sidebar menu in your WordPress admin dashboard
  • Paste your code into the “Envato purchase code” box and click “Save Changes

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If you purchased plugins from AND CodeCanyon:

  • Follow the steps as per above for creating your FooEvents license key and obtaining your Envato purchase code
  • Navigate to FooEvents > Settings > License from the sidebar menu in your WordPress admin dashboard
  • Paste your FooEvents license key into the “FooEvents license key” box AND your Envato code into the “Envato purchase code” box and click “Save Changes

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