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  5. Are tickets still valid if the order was canceled or deleted?

Are tickets still valid if the order was canceled or deleted?

Deleting an order does not automatically delete and deactivate the tickets that were created for the customer. This means that even if the order was refunded or deleted, the customer will still be able to use the ticket i.e. when scanning the ticket barcode using the FooEvents Check-ins app the ticket will still show up as valid. When you refund the order, make sure that the option “Restock refunded items:” is checked if you are managing this through WooCommerce. This will update the stock number for your event automatically. You can then delete the ticket. This is in-line with the standard WooCommerce functionality, where you might want to refund someone but still let them keep/use stock.

Canceling an order, however, will set the ticket status to “Canceled”. If an order is “Canceled”, then WooCommerce will also automatically return the stock i.e. the number of tickets that are available.

If you are using the FooEvents Seating functionality, then by default you will also have to either cancel the order or permanently delete the actual ticket associated with the order before the seat will become available again. There is also the option to select “Failed” instead of or in addition to “Cancelled” under FooEvents > Settings > Seating > Make seats available on order status. This will make tickets available when orders fail as well. Here is some more information:

Alternatively, you can also make the seat available again manually. Here are instructions on how to achieve this:

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