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  5. Global settings

Global settings

FooEvents provides various global settings that can effect the behavior of your events and tickets. You can also customize the appearance of the FooEvents Check-ins app in the plugin settings.

  1. Navigate to FooEvents > Settings in the left sidebar of your WordPress dashboard
  2. Select the relevant tab and change the settings as required
  3. Save Changes

Once you have configured the FooEvents Settings, please go to the Events section to setup your first event

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fooevents settings license

FooEvents license key Required for automatic plugin updates. Leave empty if purchase was made on AND no other plugin purchases were made on You must paste your license key here if any plugin purchases were made on
Envato purchase code Required for automatic plugin updates. Leave empty if purchase was made on AND no purchases were made on You must paste your Envato purchase code here if the FooEvents for WooCommerce plugin was purchased on


FooEvents general settings

Change add to cart text Changes ‘Add to cart’ text to ‘Book ticket’ for event products.
Enable event sorting options
Adds sort by date options to the WooCommerce product sorting drop-down list. You can set the default sort option in the WordPress Customizer.
Display event date on product listings Adds the event date above the product title on product listing pages.
Hide event details tab Hides the event details tab on the product page.
Use placeholders on checkout form Displays placeholders in the checkout form (useful for themes that don’t support form labels).
Hide unpaid tickets Hides unpaid tickets in ticket admin.
Disable completed order email notification Prevents the WooCommerce completed order email notification from being sent to customers when tickets are created through the WordPress dashboard.
Email copy of tickets to other recipients Sends a copy when a ticket is generated to the specified email address. Use a comma separated list to send to multiple email addresses.
Copy ticket purchaser’s details Adds the option to copy across the ticket purchaser’s details for the attendee’s first name, last name and email address on the checkout page using either an icon, text, or icon and text visual prompt. It can also be set to automatically copy the purchaser’s details with the option to hide the email address field.
Event expiration method Disable the ability to purchase the ticket/product or hide it in page listings after the event has expired. Visit the Event Expiration guide to learn more.
Attendee fields position
Sets the position of the attendee form fields on the checkout page. Selecting a different position may help to resolve conflicts with certain themes and third-party plugins.
Send on order status Sets the required order status for ticket creation and sending. “Completed” is the default status but this can be deselected and other statuses can be selected simultaneously using the multi-select field. Visit the Ticket Sending Order Statuses guide to learn more.


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Event Change ‘event’ to your own custom text.
Attendee Change ‘attendee’ to your own custom text.
Book ticket Change ‘Book ticket’ to your own custom text.
Day Change ‘Day’ to your own custom text.
Copy Change ‘Copy’ to your own custom text.

Ticket Design

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Global ticket border Color of the ticket border.
Global ticket button Color of the ticket button.
Global ticket button text Color of the text in the ticket button.
Global ticket logo Clear Full URL that links to the logo that will be used in the ticket.
Global ticket header image Clear Full URL that links to the image that will be used as the ticket header.
Enable QR codes Use QR codes instead of 1D barcodes on tickets.
QR/Barcode image format Select the preferred image format for 1D barcodes and QR codes that are generated for tickets (PNG / PNG and JPG). PNG is the default format.
Remove FooEvents footer link Removes the “Powered by” link from the ticket email footer.

PDF Tickets

Global Settings PDF Tickets

Enable PDF tickets Adds PDF ticket attachments to ticket emails.
Enable PDF ticket downloads Allows purchasers to download a copy of their PDF tickets from the My Account page.
Attach PDF ticket to HTML ticket email Attaches the PDF ticket to the HTML ticket email when sent.
Enable Arabic character support Displays Arabic characters in PDF tickets.
Font DejaVu Sans is the default PDF font. Firefly Sung supports CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) characters.


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Available seat color Color of the seats that are available for purchase in the seating chart.
Selected seat color Color of the seat that is currently selected in the seating chart.
Selected seat color for other attendees Color of the seats that are selected for other attendees in the same order in the seating chart.
Make seats available on order status Set the order statuses on which you want to make seats available again. Please use this setting with caution since making seats available at the wrong time could result in unexpected behaviour. If your setup allows customers to pay failed orders at a later stage then do not select “Failed” here since this could result in double booking seats. We recommend leaving this setting to “Cancelled”.


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Enable 24-hour time format Uses the 24-hour time format on the calendar instead of the 12-hour format.
Only display start date When the FooEvents Multi-day plugin is active the calendar and/or event list will only display the start date for multi-day events.
Enable full-day events Removes the event time from calendar event titles.
Calendar theme Select the calendar theme to be used on your website.
Events list theme Select the events list theme to be used on your website.
Associate with post types Select which post types will be associated with events.

Check-ins App

The following settings can be used to customize the appearance of the FooEvents Check-ins app once you have logged in. You will find more information on the app and download links here:

fooevents settings apps 5a

Hide personal information Hides all personal information for attendees and/or ticket purchasers in the app. Only attendee names will be visible for check-in purposes.
Hide unpaid tickets Hides all unpaid tickets in the FooEvents Check-ins app.
App title The title that displays on the app sign-in screen beneath the app logo.
App logo Full URL that links to the image that will be used as the logo on the sign-in screen (PNG format with transparency and a width of around 940px is recommended).
Accent color Color of the top navigation bar and sign-in button.
Accent text color Color of the text in the top navigation bar and sign-in button.
Background color Color of the background on the sign-in screen.
Title text color Color of the title text beneath the logo on the sign-in screen.
Event listing options Manage how events are listed in the app. Changes can be made in real-time without the user needing to sign-out.
Tickets to load per request Specify how many event tickets the FooEvents Check-ins app should load during each request (lower values will result in slower ticket load times but this usually works better for servers with limited resources).


fooevents settings integrations

Google Maps
Google Maps API key Enables Google Maps to be displayed on the product page (see detailed instructions here)
Zoom Meetings and Webinars
API Key Required to securely connect to your Zoom account in order to register attendees for your meetings/webinars.
API Secret Required to securely connect to your Zoom account in order to register attendees for your meetings/webinars.
Users/Hosts Optional setting that lets you manage which meetings/webinars will be displayed on the Event Integration tab according to the users/hosts that created them. The default setting will only display meetings/webinars for the user that generated the API Key and Secret. The second option is useful if you have multiple hosts on your Zoom account and you would like to restrict which meetings/webinars are visible in FooEvents.
Eventbrite private token Optional API key that is used to add events to your Eventbrite account.
Import Eventbrite events Imports your Eventbrite events into FooEvents when a valid Eventbrite private token is saved.
API key Enables FooEvents to integrate with your Mailchimp account. Login to Mailchimp and navigate to “Account” > “Extras” > “API keys” to create or reuse an existing API key.
Server prefix Login to your Mailchimp account and copy the parameter that comes immediately after “https://” in your web browser e.g. the server prefix is “us19” in
WooCommerce Subscriptions
Disable new ticket generation for subscription renewals Prevents new tickets from being created each time a subscription is renewed. This setting will only be visible if the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin is enabled on your website.
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