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Event setup

Visit our Use Case section for detailed event setup examples

FooEvents enhances standard WooCommerce products and adds various meta so they can act as events. Customers can then purchase tickets which gives them access to the event. In order to create an event, you simply create a WooCommerce product, enable the event functionality and complete the various fields related to the event (Pricing, ticket stock, event info etc). When a customer purchases access to an event, they are sent a ticket when payment is received for the transaction/order and the order status is marked as complete. The ticket includes a barcode which can then be scanned using the FooEvents Check-ins App.

Creating an event #

  1. Go to Products > Add Product in the main menu
  2. Complete the title, body, description, tags, categories, featured image and gallery as needed
  3. Go to the Product Data tabs and select ‘Event Settings
  4. To activate event functionality, check the box next to ‘Is this product an event?’.
  5. Complete the event tab fields by entering your events information
  6. Create different ticket types using WooCommerce variations (optional)
  7. Setup custom attendee fields and capture of attendee information at checkout (optional)
  8. Generate seating charts and allow customers to select their seats (optional)
  9. Create events that run over multiple days (optional)
  10. Setup an event calendar (optional)
  11. Override some of the default FooEvents terminology (optional)
  12. Once done, publish the event. You will now be able to see the event on the front end of your website

FooEvents Product Data tabs #

  1. Event Settings
  2. Ticket Settings
  3. Event Terminology
  4. Custom Attendee Fields
  5. Event Seating
  6. Event Export
  7. Stationery Builder
  8. Event Expiration
  9. Event Integration
  10. POS Settings

Event Settings

Event Details
Is this product an event? This option enables event and ticketing functionality required for FooEvents to work correctly.
Event type Single = Standard one-day events.
Sequential days = Events that occur over multiple days and repeat for a set number of sequential days (requires the FooEvents Multi-day plugin).
Select days = Events that repeat over multiple calendar days (requires the FooEvents Multi-day plugin).
Bookable = Events that require customers to select from available date and time slots such as bookings and repeat events (requires the FooEvents Bookings plugin).
Seating = Events that include the ability for customers to select row and seat numbers from a seating chart (requires the FooEvents Seating plugin).
Number of days Select the number of days for multi-day events. This setting is used by the FooEvents Check-ins apps to manage daily check-ins.
Set start/end times globally?

Enable this option to use the same start and end times for each day of a multi-day event.

The date that the event is scheduled to take place. This is used as a label on your website and it’s also used by the FooEvents Calendar to display the event.
The date that the event is scheduled to end. This is used as a label on your website and it’s also used by the FooEvents Calendar to display a multi-day event.
Start time The time that the event is scheduled to start.
End time The time that the event is scheduled to end.
Time zone The time zone where the event is taking place (important for webinars). If no time zone is set, then the attendee’s local time zone will be used for the ‘Add to Calendar’ functionality in the ticket email.
Add event to Eventbrite This option will only be displayed if an Eventbrite private token has been set in the FooEvents integration settings. If checked, your event will be added automatically to your Eventbrite page.
Venue Details
Venue The venue where the event will be hosted.
GPS coordinates GPS coordinates for the venue.
Google Maps coordinates GPS coordinates that are used to calculate the pin position for Google Maps on the event page. You can use this tool to convert an address to the correct GPS format. Please note that a valid Google Maps API key must first be set in the FooEvents integration settings.
Directions Directions to the venue.
Organizer Contact Details
Phone number Event organizer’s contact number.
Email address Event organizer’s email address.
Custom Messages
Thank-you page text The copy that will be displayed on the thank-you page after ticket purchase.
Event details tab text The copy that will be displayed in the event details tab.
Calendar Colors
Calendar background color Color of the calendar background for the event. Also changes the background color of the date icon in the FooEvents Check-ins app.
Calendar text color
Color of the calendar text for the event. Also changes the font color of the date icon in the FooEvents Check-ins app.
Attendee Details
Capture attendee full name? This will add an attendee full name field to the attendee capture fields on the checkout screen.
Capture attendee email address? This will add an attendee email field to the attendee capture fields on the checkout screen.
Capture attendee phone number? This will add a telephone number field to the attendee capture fields on the checkout screen.
Capture attendee company name? This will add a company field to the attendee capture fields on the checkout screen.
Capture attendee designation? This will add a designation field to the attendee capture fields on the checkout screen.
Validate unique attendee email addresses at checkout? If enabled a unique email address which hasn’t already been used to register for the event is required for all attendees before checkout can be completed.
Seating Display
Display seating options on product pages? This will display the seating options on the product page and make it required to select seats before proceeding to check out. Before enabling this option, please ensure that you have setup a seating chart on the Event Seating tab.
Display seating chart on checkout page? This will display a ‘View seating chart’ link on the checkout page. Before enabling this option, please ensure that you have setup a seating chart on the Event Seating tab.
Booking Display
Hide booking time in slot drop-down? This will hide the time of the booking in the selected slot drop-down.
Hide booking slot in calendar? This will hide the booking slot in the FooEvents Calendar.
Hide stock availability notice? Hide the stock availability notice. This is typically used when offering unlimited stock.
Show stock availability in the date and slot drop-downs?
This will include the amount of remaining stock for a specific date and slot combination within the drop-down selectors.
Show out of stock booking dates?
This will display dates in the drop-down which do not have any stock available.
Hide the booking date in the combined drop-down?
This will hide the date of the booking and only display the slot label in the combined date/slot drop-down. Please note that the combined drop-down options will only display when multiple slots are set for the same date OR a single slot is set that has multiple dates.
Bookings selection order Displays the order of bookings drop-down selectors as either Slot then Date OR Date then Slot.
Display booking slots and dates on
This will display the booking date and slot drop-down options on the checkout, product page or checkout and product page.
Order Email
Display event details in New Order email? This will display the event details in the ‘New Order’ transactional email which WooCommerce sends to the store admin.
Display attendee details in New Order email? This will display the attendee details in the ‘New Order’ transactional email which WooCommerce sends to the store admin.
Display booking details in New Order email? This will display the booking details in the ‘New Order’ transactional email which WooCommerce sends to the store admin.
Display seating details in New Order email? This will display the seating details in the ‘New Order’ transactional email which WooCommerce sends to the store admin.
Display custom attendee details in New Order email? This will display the custom attendee details in the ‘New Order’ transactional email which WooCommerce sends to the store admin.

Ticket Settings

Visit Ticket Configuration for more details.

Event Terminology

You can specify custom singular and plural text for the following fields:

Attendee Change ‘attendee’ to your own custom text for this event.
Change ‘Book ticket’ to your own custom text for this event.
Day Change ‘Day’ to your own custom text for this event.
Slot Change ‘Slot’ to your own custom text for this event.
Date Change ‘Date’ to your own custom text for this event.
Booking details Change ‘Booking details’ to your own custom text for this event.
Row Change ‘Row’ to your own custom text for this event.
Seat Change ‘Seat’ to your own custom text for this event.
Seating Chart Change ‘Seating Chart’ to your own custom text for this event.
Front Change ‘Front’ to your own custom text for this event.

Custom Attendee Fields

You can create an unlimited number of custom fields using the drag and drop form builder. Visit the FooEvents Custom Attendee Fields setup guide to learn more.

Event Seating

Create graphic seating charts using the drag and drop seating chart builder. Visit the FooEvents Seating setup guide to learn more.

Event Export

Visit the Export Attendee Information topic to learn more

Stationery Builder

Visit the FooEvents Stationery Builder topic to learn more

Event Expiration

Event Expiration
Event expiration date The date when the event will automatically expire.
Expiration message The message that will be displayed on the product page when the event has expired.
Ticket Expiration
Expiration type Select either a fixed date or elapsed time since the ticket was purchased to automatically expire tickets.
Select fixed date Select the fixed ticket expiration date if the fixed date option is selected.
Select elapsed time Select the unit of time to be used if the elapsed time option is selected.

Visit the Event Expiration and Ticket Expiration topics to learn more

Event Integration

Zoom Meetings and Webinars – Visit the Zoom Meetings and Webinars section to learn more.
Attendee details Meeting and webinar registration requires attendee details to be captured at checkout. Ensure it is enabled under the Event Settings tab.
Automatically generate
Requires the Zoom Video Webinars service to be purchased in your Zoom account.
Select meeting/webinar host
Select the host of Zoom meetings/webinars that get generated automatically.
Current event type Single, Sequential days, Select days, Bookable, Seating
Zoom integration type Single meeting/webinar for this event = Select or automatically generate a Zoom meeting/webinar for this event which attendees will automatically be registered for when purchasing an event ticket.
Separate meeting/webinar for each day = Select or automatically generate a Zoom meeting/webinar for each day of this multi-day event which attendees will automatically be registered for when purchasing an event ticket. Note: Requires the FooEvents Multi-day plugin.
Separate meeting/webinar for each booking slot = Select or automatically generate a Zoom meeting/webinar for each date/time slot of the bookable event which attendees will automatically be registered for when purchasing an event ticket. Note: Requires the FooEvents Bookings plugin.
Link the event to this meeting/ webinar Select a meeting/webinar which attendees will automatically be registered for when purchasing an event ticket (must be created through your Zoom account).
Details Meeting or webinar details supplied by Zoom.

POS Settings

Event Settings
Attendee name Set whether the attendee name field is shown and required to be captured in FooEvents POS.

Use event settings = Uses the same settings as Event Settings
Show as optional = Displays the attendee name as an optional field
Show as required = Displays the attendee name as a required field
Hide = Hides the attendee name field

Attendee email Set whether the attendee email field is shown and required to be captured in FooEvents POS.

Use event settings = Uses the same settings as Event Settings
Show as optional = Displays the attendee email as an optional field
Show as required = Displays the attendee email as a required field
Hide = Hides the attendee email field

Attendee phone number Set whether the attendee phone number field is shown and required to be captured in FooEvents POS.

Use event settings = Uses the same settings as Event Settings
Show as optional = Displays the attendee phone number as an optional field
Show as required = Displays the attendee phone number as a required field
Hide = Hides the attendee phone number field

Attendee company name Set whether the attendee company name field is shown and required to be captured in FooEvents POS.

Use event settings = Uses the same settings as Event Settings
Show as optional = Displays the attendee company name as an optional field
Show as required = Displays the attendee company name as a required field
Hide = Hides the attendee company name field

Attendee designation Set whether the attendee designation field is shown and required to be captured in FooEvents POS.

Use event settings = Uses the same settings as Event Settings
Show as optional = Displays the attendee designation as an optional field
Show as required = Displays the attendee designation as a required field
Hide = Hides the attendee designation field

Ticket Settings
POS ticket theme Select the ticket theme that will be used for styling tickets that are printed through FooEvents POS.
Email tickets when purchased through FooEvents POS Emails event tickets to the attendee or purchaser if the ticket was purchased through FooEvents POS.
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