The shortcodes outlined below are included in the FooEvents Calendar plugin
Navigate to the post or page where you would like to insert the calendar on your website. Type or paste the calendar shortcode in the main content text editor.
Shortcode usage #
Basic calendar
Change calendar start day
[fooevents_calendar firstDay="0"] 0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday etc.
Display particular month
[fooevents_calendar defaultDate= "2024-09-01"]
Filter by category
[fooevents_calendar include_cat="featured"]
Specify number of events to display
[fooevents_calendar num=10]
Display list view (day)
[fooevents_calendar defaultView="listDay"]
Display list view (week)
[fooevents_calendar defaultView="listWeek"]
Display list view (month)
[fooevents_calendar defaultView="listMonth"]
Display list view (year)
[fooevents_calendar defaultView="listYear"]
Display multiple calendars per page
[fooevents_calendar id="cal1"], [fooevents_calendar id="cal2"] etc.
Set the time format
[fooevents_calendar timeFormat=""]
Hide weekends
[fooevents_calendar weekends="false"]
Show specific events or posts only, where “123” is the product or post ID. Multiple IDs can be separated with a comma.
[fooevents_calendar post="123"]
[fooevents_calendar post="123,456"]
Calendar Widgets #
- Go to Appearance > Widgets
- Drag the FooEvents Calendar widget into the widget area where you would like it to be displayed
- Type a widget title
- Select which type of view you would like to use – Calendar or List view
- Calendar view
- You can specify which date you would like the calendar to start on. If left empty, the calendar will default to the current date.
- Example date format: 2016-09-01 (yyyy/mm/dd)
- List view
- You can set the number of events to be displayed. By default, the list view will display the latest 5 events.
- Click Save to confirm your changes
Other Shortcodes #
Simple event
[fooevents_event product=23270]
Simple list of events
Filter by category
[fooevents_events_list include_cat="featured"]
List of 5 events
[fooevents_events_list num=5]
Sort events according to the event date
[fooevents_events_list sort="ASC"], [fooevents_events_list sort="DESC"] etc.