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FooEvents for WooCommerce

1.19.46 (27 November 2024)
FIXED: WordPress 6.7 load text domain compatibility.
FIXED: Product description not showing bug.
FIXED: Various other small bugs and performance updates.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.7.1 and WooCommerce 9.4.2.

1.19.44 (18 November 2024)
FIXED: Various small bugs and performance updates.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.7 and WooCommerce 9.4.1.

1.19.43 (21 October 2024)
FIXED: Support for special characters on checkout.
FIXED: Empty ticket trash fatal error.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.6.2 and WooCommerce 9.3.3.

(1 October 2024)
NEW: FooEvents Attendee Listing block.
UPDATED: Various ticket importing styling.
UPDATED: Import tickets batch size option.
FIXED: Various PHP warnings.
FIXED: Link imported tickets on orders page.
FIXED: Imported booking tickets not displaying in app bug.
FIXED: Event listing block compact view date bug.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.6.2 and WooCommerce 9.3.3.

1.19.33 (10 September 2024)
FIXED: Moved block CSS styles.
FIXED: Google Maps key bug.
FIXED: Seatings bug.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.6.1 and WooCommerce 9.2.3.

1.19.32 (28 August 2024)
FIXED: Timezone display on product page.
FIXED: Added end date and timezone to event listing block.
FIXED: Query performance on checkout.
FIXED: Theme security updates.
FIXED: Various PHP warning outputs.
FIXED: Only display front end CSS on event products.
FIXED: Imported tickets booking date bug.
FIXED: Day title CSV export bug.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.6.1 and WooCommerce 9.2.3.

1.19.22 (13 June 2024)
FIXED: Potential security vulnerability.
FIXED: Event settings timezone display bug.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.5.4 and WooCommerce 8.9.3.

1.19.20 (12 June 2024)
FIXED: Potential security vulnerability
FIXED: Event listing block month seperator
FIXED: French language attendee export bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.5.4 and WooCommerce 8.9.3.

1.19.14 (6 June 2024)
FIXED: Warning on new order email when booking plugin is not active.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.5.3 and WooCommerce 8.9.1.

(4 June 2024)
UPDATED: Product event settings look and feel.
FIXED: Import tickets with empty order ID bug.
FIXED: Make seats available on order status ‘Cancelled’ and ‘Failed’.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.5.3 and WooCommerce 8.9.1.

1.19.9 (8 April 2024)
ADDED: New event listing block.
FIXED: Global ‘Day’ terminology bug.
FIXED: HPOS reporting bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.5.0 and WooCommerce 8.7.0.

1.19.7 (18 March 2024)
ADDED: Support for Express Check-in sounds.
ADDED: AutomateWoo barcode_url variable.
FIXED: Only add send ticket meta to event products.
FIXED: Ticket listing multi-day changing to single day event bug.
FIXED: AutomateWoo bug when checking out as guest.
FIXED: Remove query causing long page loads in admin.
FIXED: Various app optimizations.
FIXED: Optimize report list query.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.4.3 and WooCommerce 8.6.1.

1.19.0 (23 January 2024)
ADDED: Support for AutomateWoo.
ADDED: New plugin translations.
FIXED: HPOS resend ticket bug.
FIXED: Order page HPOS bug.
FIXED: Multi-date selected day output on WooCommerce emails.
FIXED: Variation on checkout output bug.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.4.2 and WooCommerce 8.5.1.

1.18.53 (12 December 2023)
FIXED: JavaScript Select2 conflict.
FIXED: Booking terminology bug.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
FIXED: Goolge Maps warning.
FIXED: Chinese character bug in admin and tickets.
FIXED: Global start/end times bug.
FIXED: Imported tickets deleted order warning bug.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.4.2 and WooCommerce 8.3.1.

1.18.48 (13 November 2023)
FIXED: Daylight savings bug on edit ticket page.
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.4.1 and WooCommerce 8.2.2

1.18.47 (8 November 2023)
FIXED: Daylight savings month name translation bug.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.3.2 and WooCommerce 8.2.1

1.18.46 (6 November 2023)
FIXED: Fatal error on edit ticket page on certain servers.
FIXED: ‘Any’ variation in product bug.
FIXED: Various PHP 8.2 errors and warnings.
ADDED: Merge field variables to the .ics file.
ADDED: Order ID support to ticket importing.
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.3.2 and WooCommerce 8.2.1

1.18.39 (16 August 2023)
FIXED: Fatal error on thank you page on some servers.
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.3 and WooCommerce 8.0.2

1.18.37 (14 August 2023)
FIXED: Ticket incrementing bug on some servers.
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.3 and WooCommerce 8.0.1

1.18.32 (8 August 2023)
ADDED: New ticket incrementing functionality
ADDED: Improved app authentication
FIXED: Multi-day .ics bug
FIXED: Admin ticket create email bug
FIXED: Product variation ‘any’ bug
FIXED: Admin order page variation output
FIXED: Preview ticket bugs
FIXED: Blank email sent to no address bug
FIXED: Timezone variable available in Follow-up Emails plugin
FIXED: Various date format bugs
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.2.2 and WooCommerce 7.9.0

1.18.26 (12 June 2023)
FIXED: PHP warnings on some servers
FIXED: Unpaid ticket booking information not displaying on CSV
FIXED: Thank you page FATAL ERROR on some themes
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.2.2 and WooCommerce 7.7.2

1.18.23 (5 June 2023)
ADDED: WooCommerce HPOS support
FIXED: Report page title bug
FIXED: German language date bugs
FIXED: Dutch language date bugs
FIXED: New order email ticket bugs
FIXED: Imported tickets variation bugs
FIXED: Imported tickets app bugs
FIXED: Multi-day global time output bug
FIXED: Unique email on checkout bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.2.2 and WooCommerce 7.7.2

1.18.14 (17 April 2023)

ADDED: Fourth column to the FooEvents Stationery Builder
ADDED: Support for BOCA printer wristbands and 5.5″ ticket sizes in the FooEvents Stationery Builder
ADDED: Zoom OAuth support (see Migrating from JWT to OAuth)
FIXED: Imported ticket resend ticket bug
FIXED: Follow up emails multiday bug
FIXED: Bug on some themes causing autocomplete to not work
FIXED: Various WooCommerce depreciated warnings
FIXED: Email copy of ticket to recipient bug
FIXED: ICS multiday global times bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.2 and WooCommerce 7.6.0

1.18.6 (6 March 2023)
ADDED: Capture person who checked-in attendee on edit ticket and report pages
ADDED: New ticket subject variables. Added support for variables in ticket email
FIXED: Ticket import variation support
FIXED: Barcode generation when importing Tickets
FIXED: Various ticket importing bugs
FIXED: Unpaid tickets CSV export bug
FIXED: Follow-up emails category bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.1.1 and WooCommerce 7.4.1

1.18.0 (23 January 2023)
ADDED: CSV Ticket import feature
FIXED: Various security updates
FIXED: j. n. Y date format support
FIXED: Suppress admin email notification bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.1.1 and WooCommerce 7.3.0

1.17.8 (12 December 2022)
ADDED: Purchased tickets now visible on My Account -> Order page
ADDED: If adding ticket in admin and user has already purchased use billing details
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.1.1 and WooCommerce 7.1.0

1.17.4 (22 November 2022)
FIXED: Admin menu bug on translated sites
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.1.1 and WooCommerce 7.1.0

1.17.3 (21 November 2022)
FIXED: Admin menu bug
FIXED: Create ticket PHP warning
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.1.1 and WooCommerce 7.1.0

1.17.0 (7 November 2022)
ADDED: Support for FooEvents POS (Coming soon)
ADDED: New default ticket theme
ADDED: Support for FooEvents Seating terminology overrides
FIXED: Follow-up email default field bug
FIXED: Support for Lithuanian month names
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.1.0 and WooCommerce 7.0.1

1.16.2 (12 October 2022)
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.0.2 and WooCommerce 7.0.0

1.16.0 (3 October 2022)
ADDED: Option to resend tickets from orders page
ADDED: Option to capture attendee name and email address individually
ADDED: Support for new Bookings Admin features
FIXED: Multi-day outputs in generated .ics file
FIXED: Conflict with disabling order confirmation notification in admin
FIXED: Variation products bug on add tickets page
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.0.2 and WooCommerce 6.9.4

(4 August 2022)
UPDATED: Various security updates
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.0.1 and WooCommerce 6.7.0

1.15.11 (2 August 2022)
UPDATED: Various security updates
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.0.1 and WooCommerce 6.7.0

1.15.10 (19 July 2022)
ADDED: Option to disable order confirmation on admin created tickets
ADDED: Additional order information in CSV export
FIXED: App improved performance ticket loading
FIXED: WPML export attendee unpaid order bug
FIXED: Various translation bugs
FIXED: Google Maps depreciated code
FIXED: Various stationery builder bugs
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.0.1 and WooCommerce 6.7.0

1.15.6 (20 June 2022)
FIXED: Ticket preview send bug
FIXED: Expired posts if admin bug
FIXED: WPML translation bug
FIXED: WPML export attendee bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.0.0 and WooCommerce 6.6.0

1.15.2 (26 May 2022)
FIXED: Ticket resend not working bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.9.3 and WooCommerce 6.5.1

1.15.0 (24 May 2022)
ADDED: Support for Follow-Up Emails plugin
ADDED: Functionality to select which order status ticket should be generated on
ADDED: Option to automatically copy purchaser details to attendee on checkout
ADDED: Option to override send copy of email on product level
FIXED: Update message on plugin page even though running latest Version
FIXED: Untrashed ticket set to Draft
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.9.3 and WooCommerce 6.5.1

1.14.45 (3 May 2022)
FIXED: Reporting date bug
FIXED: Various Mailchimp integration bugs
FIXED: Multi-day times in product event tab
FIXED: Terminology bug on tickets
FIXED: Various Zoom bugs
FIXED: New order email formating bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.9.3 and WooCommerce 6.4.1

1.14.37 (23 March 2022)
FIXED: Update service optimizations
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.9.2 and WooCommerce 6.3.1

1.14.35 (14 March 2022)
ADDED: Mailchimp support
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.9.2 and WooCommerce 6.3.1

1.14.31 (28 February 2022)
ADDED: PNG and JPG barcode generation option
FIXED: App empty user bug
FIXED: Report precision bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.9.1 and WooCommerce 6.2.1

1.14.28 (15 February 2022)
ADDED: Support for bookings display options
ADDED: Support for multi-day start end times
FIXED: Terminology bugs
FIXED: App empty first name, last name bug
FIXED: m/d/Y expiration bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.9 and WooCommerce 6.2.0

1.14.23 (18 January 2022)
FIXED: Admin menu bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.3 and WooCommerce 6.1.0

1.14.22 (17 January 2022)
ADDED: Support for offline check-in imports
FIXED: Fix event sort order bug
FIXED: Redirect bug on add ticket
FIXED: 24 hour timestamp generation bug
FIXED: PHP 8.0 warnings
FIXED: CSV translation bugs
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.3 and WooCommerce 6.1.0

1.14.15 (5 January 2022)

FIXED: App check-in bug
FIXED: Custom attendee fields in stationery builder
FIXED: Change add to cart text bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.2 and WooCommerce 6.0.0

1.14.12 (23 December 2021)
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.2 and WooCommerce 5.9.0

1.14.10 (17 December 2021)
FIXED: Barcode path generation bug
FIXED: Thank you page formatting bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.2 and WooCommerce 5.9.0

1.14.8 (14 December 2021)
FIXED: Fatal error on orders page
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.2 and WooCommerce 5.9.0

1.14.7 (13 December 2021)
UPDATED: Various security updates
FIXED: Expiration bug with Languages that have Unicode characters
FIXED: Expiration on products in the WooCommerce shortcode
FIXED: Expiration on related products
FIXED: Various translation bugs
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.2 and WooCommerce 5.9.0

1.12.51 (15 November 2021)
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.2 and WooCommerce 5.9.0

1.12.50 (25 October 2021)
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.1 and WooCommerce 5.8.0

1.12.48 (20 September 2021)
FIXED: Removed jpg barcode generation causing error on some servers
FIXED: User list on add ticket page
FIXED: Bookings information on orders page
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.1 and WooCommerce 5.6.0

1.12.44 (7 September 2021)
FIXED: Permanently delete checked-in ticket bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8 and WooCommerce 5.6.0

1.12.40 (17 August 2021)
FIXED: Translated tickets not scanned on event listing in app
FIXED: Search for user email on add ticket page
FIXED: Support for D F j date format
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8 and WooCommerce 5.5.2

1.12.39 (19 July 2021)
ADDED: Attendee phone, company and designation to ticket admin page
FIXED: Bug with multiple events that have the same name
FIXED: Event and attendee details displaying in new order email even though option set to off
FIXED: Seating data bug
FIXED: Bug with multi-day dates on new order email
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.7.2 and WooCommerce 5.5.1

1.12.36 (1 June 2021)
ADDED: Event details option for ‘New Order’ email
FIXED: Bug with large amount of users on ‘Add Ticket’ page
FIXED: Cancelled order conflict with FooEvents Seating plugin
FIXED: Reporting bug cause by certain date formats
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.7.2 and WooCommerce 5.3.0

1.12.31 (19 May 2021)
ADDED: Options to include data on ‘New Order’ email
ADDED: Check-in logging data on ‘Edit Ticket’ and ‘Report’ pages
ADDED: Cater for Zoom session offset in ICS
ADDED: Telephone and Company copy from purchaser on checkout
FIXED: Bug where couldn’t save ticket as Unpaid
FIXED: Conflict with ‘Add Media’ button
FIXED: Variable product PHP warning on HTML ticket
FIXED: CSV UTF8 export
FIXED: Variation bug with colons
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.7.2 and WooCommerce 5.3.0

1.12.23 (13 April 2021)
FIXED: Zoom bug on non-bookable events
FIXED: Timestamp equal to 0 bug
FIXED: Variation product special character bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
UPDATED: Use wp_remote_post() instead of CURL
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.7 and WooCommerce 5.1.0

1.12.18 (23 March 2021)
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.7 and WooCommerce 5.1.0

1.12.16 (16 February 2021)
ADDED: Support for FooEvents Bookings date then slot output
ADDED: Support for FooEvents Bookings Zoom integration
ADDED: Support hide date on FooEvents Bookings dropdown selection
ADDED: Support for FooEvents Seating updates
ADDED: Option to validate unique order attendee email address on checkout
FIXED: CSV export failure caused by deleted orders
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.6.1 and WooCommerce 5.0.0

1.12.14 (25 January 2021)
ADDED: Order notes to CSV export
FIXED: SQL ticket generation optimizations
FIXED: Multi-day conflicts
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.6 and WooCommerce 4.9.1

1.12.7 (14 December 2o2o)
FIXED: Event filter only on products
FIXED: Character output on variations in some languages
UPDATED: Stationery builder updates
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.6 and WooCommerce 4.8.0

1.12.3 (17 November 2020)
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.5.3 and WooCommerce 4.7.0

1.12.1 (10 November 2020)
FIXED: Legacy multi-day event bug
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.5.3 and WooCommerce 4.6.2

1.12.0 (03 November 2020)
ADDED: Bookings support
ADDED: Various layout updates
ADDED: Event filter on ticket listing page
ADDED: app_event_magic_tickets capability
FIXED: Expiration timestamp bug
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.5.3 and WooCommerce 4.6.1

1.11.53 (06 October 2020)
FIXED: Issue where seating chart not displaying on checkout
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.5.1 and WooCommerce 4.5.2

1.11.51 (01 October 2020)
FIXED: CSS validation bug causing plugin conflicts
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.5.1 and WooCommerce 4.5.2

1.11.50 (30 September 2020)
ADDED: Added global setting to disable ticket generation if WooCommerce Subscriptions is active
ADDED: Event expiration functionality
FIXED: CSV export bug with unpaid tickets
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.5.1 and WooCommerce 4.5.2

1.11.45 (20 August 2020)
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.5 and WooCommerce 4.3.2

1.11.44 (12 August 2020)
ADDED: New Default 2020 theme
ADDED: Check-in times included in CSV export
FIXED: Plugins page view details update log
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.5 and WooCommerce 4.3.2

1.11.38 (17 July 2020)
ADDED: Copy details from purchaser option on checkout
FIXED: App event listing bug
FIXED: Other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.4.2 and WooCommerce 4.3.0

1.11.35 (1 July 2020)
ADDED: Copy details from purchaser option on checkout
FIXED: App event listing bug
FIXED: Other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.4.2 and WooCommerce 4.3.0

1.11.35 (1 July 2020)
ADDED: Support for updated Check-ins app
FIXED: Server resource limit bug
FIXED: Stationery Builder bugs and updated copy
FIXED: Other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.4.2 and WooCommerce 4.2.2

1.11.32 (18 June 2020)
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.4.2 and WooCommerce 4.2.0

1.11.31 (10 June 2020)
ADDED: Ticket and Badge Designer functionality
FIXED: ICS generation and date bugs
FIXED: Duplicated ticket details admin page information
FIXED: Various admin add ticket bugs
FIXED: Various Zoom meeting bugs
FIXED: Various other small bugs

1.11.28 (29 April 2020)
UPDATED: Zoom integration features
ADDED: Option to add .ics to ticket
ADDED: Support for CJK text in PDF tickets
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.4 and WooCommerce 4.0.1

1.11.27 (08 April 2020)
UPDATED: Zoom integration features
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.4 and WooCommerce 4.0.1

1.11.26 (01 April 2020)
ADDED: Zoom webinars integration
ADDED: Option to choose which events should display in app
ADDED: Timezone option for events
FIXED: Various small bugs

1.11.23 (05 March 2020)
FIXED: Fatal error on WooCommerce deactivation
FIXED: Various other small bugs

1.11.21 (27 February 2020)
FIXED: Report query tweaks
FIXED: Admin create tickets bug

1.11.17 (13 February 2020)
ADDED: Sorting and filter updates to products
ADDED: Order ID to tickets listing page
FIXED: Wrong settings link on plugins page
FIXED: Missing phone number from csv export
FIXED: REST database bug
FIXED: Fatal error on change product to event
FIXED: Missing JavaScript warnings on exports
FIXED: Revenue 0 bug on reports
FIXED: Various other small bugs

1.11.12 (29 January 2020)
ADDED: Support for REST communication with check-ins app
ADDED: QR code support
ADDED: Add ticket search on event and purchaser list
FIXED: Various small bugs

1.11.7 (04 December 2019)
FIXED: Multi-day check-in bug using apps
FIXED: Sale price bug in apps
FIXED: Ticket theme admin bugs
FIXED: Cancel order stock bug

1.11.4 (21 November 2019)
FIXED: Bug where optional attendee fields are still format validated
FIXED: Media control conflict
FIXED: Upload and preview theme bugs
FIXED: Bug on variation stock management variable vs product level

1.11.2 (19 November 2019)
ADDED: Support for seating settings page

1.11.0 (18 November 2019)
ADDED: New event report features (see blog post)
ADDED: New settings page (see blog post)
FIXED: Various small bugs

1.10.5 (30 October 2019)
– FIXED: Attendee fields required field bug
– FIXED: Various other small bugs

1.10.3 (26 September 2019)
– FIXED: Ticket theme count bug
– FIXED: Custom attendee reference bug
– FIXED: Various other small bugs

1.10.1 (10 September 2019)
– ADDED: Support for PDF themes (see blog post)
– FIXED: Various small bugs

1.9.7 (16 August 2019)
– FIXED: WooCommerce 3.7.0 setting conflict

1.9.6 (14 August 2019)
– FIXED: Conflict with WPML compatibility and CSV attendee exports

– ADDED: First name, last name and email address fields no longer required for custom attendee fields

1.9.3 (18 July 2019)
– ROLLBACK: Reverted FooEvents PDF Tickets updates

1.9.2 (18 July 2019)
– ADDED: Support for FooEvents PDF Tickets updates
– FIXED: Various small bugs

1.9.0 (2 July 2019)
– ADDED: Support for FooEvents Custom Attendee Updates

1.8.23 (25 June 2019)
– ADDED: Out-the-box compatibility with WPML
– ADDED: Compatibility with new FooEvents Seating updates
– FIXED: Removed tickets with unpaid status from CSV
– FIXED: Various small bugs

1.8.20 (16 May 2019)
– FIXED: Updated translations
– FIXED: Various small bugs

1.8.18 (10 April 2019)
– FIXED: Replace sanitization method for ‘Ticket text’, ‘Thank you page text’, ‘Event details tab text’
– FIXED: Revert config base URL path for better compatibility on various server configs
– FIXED: Seating chart incorrectly set to not required when ‘Capture individual attendee details’ is not set.

1.8.17 (20 March 2019)
– FIXED: Various small bugs

1.8.16 (19 March 2019)
– ADDED: Various compliance updates
– FIXED: Bug with seating chart selection
– FIXED: Timestamp equal 0 bug
– FIXED: Various other small bugs

1.8.9 (14 January 2019)
– ADDED: Option to print all event tickets
– ADDED: Support to display seating chart on checkout
– FIXED: Various bugs

– FIXED: Bug with selecting background color for event on calendar

1.8.6 (3 December 2018)
– ADDED: New FooEvents Calendar feature support
– FIXED: .ics generation bugs
– FIXED: Admin add new ticket bugs
– FIXED: Various small bugs

1.8.1 (5 November 2018)
– ADDED: Attendee badge functionality (NEW)
– ADDED: Multi-day support in ICS export
– FIXED: Various small bugs

1.7.32 (15 October 2018)
– FIXED: CSV export bug
– FIXED: Various small bugs

1.7.26 (30 August 2018)
– ADDED: Support for FooEvents Seating
– FIXED: Timestamp being set to 0 bug on certain servers

1.7.25 (23 August 2018)
– FIXED: Multi-day event date bug on date selection
– FIXED: Various small bugs

1.7.23 (26 July 2018)
– ADDED: Functionality to include/exclude custom attendee details on tickets
– UPDATED: Introduction page
– FIXED: Empty new order notification email when creating a ticket via the WordPress admin
– FIXED: Various small bugs

1.7.19 (18 June 2018)
– UPDATED: Only admin role can now login to app by default
– UPDATED: Documentation
– UPDATED: Plugin option clean-up on delete
– FIXED: Various small bugs

1.7.15 (21 May 2018)
– FIXED: Terminology new site bug
– FIXED: Email template PHP warning
– FIXED: Various other small bugs

1.7.12 (2 May 2018)
– ADDED: Terminology override feature

1.7.11 (16 April 2018)
– FIXED: Update notification service bug

1.7.10 (27 March 2018)
– FIXED: Image header ticket theme bug

1.7.9 (20 March 2018)
– ADDED: Ticket header image upload option
– ADDED: Multi-day check-in statuses to CSV
– FIXED: WordPress MU password reset bug
– FIXED: Google Maps API bug when key not set
– FIXED: Various other small bugs

1.7.7 (20 March 2018)
– ADDED: Support for selected FooEvents Multi-Day event days
– ADDED: Support For colored events on FooEvents Calendar
– ADDED: Added telephone, company and designation attendee fields to app
– ADDED: Purchaser phone number to csv
– FIXED: Option to not send tickets bug
– FIXED: CSV unpaid tickets bug

1.7.3 (24 January 2018)
– FIXED: Barcode path bug

1.7.1 (16 January 2018)
– UPDATED: Minor security updates

1.7.0 (11 January 2018)
– NEW: Moved barcodes and email themes to the WordPress uploads directory
– ADDED: Support for HTML email ticket themes
– UPDATED: Translations

– FIXED: Various small bugs

– ADDED: Auto update functionality

– ADDED: User role support for WordPress ticket management
– FIXED: Out-of-stock book tickets button
– FIXED: Date format bug on product page
– FIXED: Various small bugs

– FIXED: Custom attendee multiple event bug
– FIXED: Billing error on ticket admin page
– ADDED: Theme option to use placeholders

– FIXED: CSV variations bug
– FIXED: Ticket meta variations bug
– FIXED: Version update number bug
– FIXED: 10+ attendee bug

– FIXED: Event details tab PHP warning

-FIXED: App login bug
-FIXED: Various small bugs

– Multi-day support update

-ADDED: Multiday extension ready
-FIXED: Various small bugs

-FIXED: More WordPress 4.8 bugs that may affect sending tickets
-FIXED: Duplicate ticket bug with certain payment gateways

-FIXED: WordPress 4.8 bug causing tickets not to be sent out on order completion
-FIXED: CSV export bug
-FIXED: Various other small bugs
-FIXED: Updated translations


-ADDED: FooEvents dashboard widget
-ADDED: Download ticket from ticket admin
-ADDED: Export CSV enhancements
-FIXED: WooCommerce 3 warning messages
-FIXED: Ticket purchaser name missing bug
-FIXED: Various other small bugs


-FIXED: Bulk ticket resend bug
-FIXED: Purchaser name missing bug
-FIXED: Various other small bugs


-FIXED: WooCommerce 3 warning messages
-ADDED: Overwride PDF ticket email
-ADDED: Export CSV enhancements
-ADDED: Edit ticket subject


-FIXED: App bug with certain currency symbols
-FIXED: Email ticket bug on first install
-FIXED: WordPress MU activate plugin bug
-ADDED: Custom attendee fields to CSV export


-FIXED: Barcode directory not writable bug


– ADDED: FooEvents Custom Attendee Fields support
– FIXED: Various minor bugs


– FIXED: Admin menu bug


– FIXED: Critical bug update


– FIXED: Plugin activation warning
– FIXED: Blank event list when manually adding tickets
– ADDED: Directions to tickets
– ADDED: Company, designation, telephone number to tickets
– ADDED: Price to apps
– ADDED: Plugin update notification


– ADDED: Option to hide unpaid tickets in admin
– ADDED: Check if barcodes directory writable
– FIXED: Removed “Auto Draft” references in ticket admin
– FIXED: Bug where adding tickets might not link to created user
– FIXED: Hide start and end date on event details tab
– FIXED: Override template bug

– Fixed: Variation bug where only first tickets variation is saved
– Fixed: Javascript DatePicker localization
– Fixed: Various other small bugs
– Added: Sort by additional fields in ticket admin


– NEW: .JPG barcode generation for PDF Ticket plugin
– FIXED: Google Map pointer
– REMOVED: Date picker translations. Buggy, will look at a different implementation.

– NEW: Compatibility update for the new Events Pro app offline support (
– NEW: Compatibility with the FooEvents PDF Tickets plugin support (
– NEW: Filter by event name, order ID and status on admin ticket listing
– NEW: Time formats for am-pm
– UPDATED: New Google Maps API support
– UPDATED: Translations on date picker
– UPDATED: Send location to .ics
– FIXED: Fixed admin HTTPS warning

– New: Event Check-ins Pro iOS App integration – See
– New: Event Check-ins Pro iOS App – Auto Check-ins (Fast, effortless checkins)
– New: Event Check-ins Pro iOS App – Custom Branding (Set your own color scheme and logo)
– Updated: Documentation
– Fixed: .ics postal code bug
– Fixed: Add new ticket permission bug

– Added manual ticket management functionality in WordPress admin.
– Various small bug fixes and enhancements.

– App integration bulk edit support
– Insert custom message on thank you page
– Addition of various optional attendee registration fields
– Various bug fixes

– Various bug fixes

– .po and .mo language file support
– Option to not send ticket emails
– Various bug fixes

– Various bug fixes

– Enhanced admin search
– Resolved ticket and event listing bug in App
– Various other small bug fixes

– Various bug fixes

– Capture Attendee details on checkout
– Option to email attendees their tickets
– Cary through attributes/variations to tickets and ticket details
– Option to change “Add to cart” to “Book ticket”
– Support for iOS App (Launch imminent!)
– Various bug fixes

– Conflict with WooCommerce image uploads.

– Added additional options to control ticket output
– Fixed bug where certain non-event products would send out tickets
– Fixed various other small bugs

– Fixed display bug with Google Maps
– Fixed bug with attendee not displaying on ticket
– Fixed bug where admin user is displayed as the ticket owner
– Various other small bugs