1.7.28 (20 January 2025)
FIXED: Character encoding bug.
FIXED: Various other small bugs and performance updates.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.7.1 and WooCommerce 9.5.2.
1.7.27 (27 November 2024)
FIXED: WordPress 6.7 load text domain compatibility.
FIXED: Safari booking wizard date bug.
FIXED: Various other small bugs and performance updates.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.7.1 and WooCommerce 9.4.2.
1.7.26 (18 November 2024)
FIXED: ‘Order again’ bug when booking fields only on product page.
FIXED: Various small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.7 and WooCommerce 9.4.1.
1.7.24 (21 October 2024)
FIXED: Added check for quotations in product admin.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.6.2 and WooCommerce 9.3.3.
1.7.22 (1 October 2024)
FIXED: Add to cart validation bug.
FIXED: Performance update for bookings admin page on large sites.
FIXED: Imported booking tickets not displaying in app bug.
FIXED: Display booking availability when bookings stock is 0.
FIXED: Disable bookings quantity selection on cart page.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.6.2 and WooCommerce 9.3.3.
1.7.17 (28 August 2024)
FIXED: Bug when returning stock on refund order.
FIXED: Booking calendar date bug.
FIXED: Import CSV tickets date bug.
FIXED: Various small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.6.1 and WooCommerce 9.2.3.
1.7.10 (4 June 2024)
UPDATED: Product event settings look and feel.
FIXED: Updated ticket booking return stock on ‘Cancelled’ bug.
FIXED: Attendee details in .ics bug.
FIXED: If there are no slots make product ‘out of stock’.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.5.3 and WooCommerce 8.9.1.
1.7.3 (8 April 2024)
ADDED: Support for new event listing block.
FIXED: PHP warnings on calendar.
FIXED: Return stock to slot bug where slot has been deleted.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.5.0 and WooCommerce 8.7.0.
1.7.2 (18 March 2024)
FIXED: One slot, one date cart validation bug.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.4.3 and WooCommerce 8.6.1.
1.7.0 (23 January 2024)
ADDED: New plugin translations.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.4.2 and WooCommerce 8.5.1.
1.6.5 (12 December 2023)
FIXED: Duplicate items in order bug.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.4.2 and WooCommerce 8.3.1.
1.6.3 (13 November 2023)
FIXED: Remove blank date when adding new slot.
FIXED: Various other small bugs.
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.4.1 and WooCommerce 8.2.2.
1.6.1 (6 November 2023)
ADDED: New bookings wizard product interface.
ADDED: Option to hide booking slot on calendar.
FIXED: Bookings tax bug.
FIXED: Show out of stock bookings bug.
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.3.2 and WooCommerce 8.2.1
1.5.35 (8 August 2023)
FIXED: Split bookings order items on order consideration
FIXED: Edit ticket bookings showing incorrectly
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.2.2 and WooCommerce 7.9.0
1.5.29 (12 June 2023)
FIXED: Hide bookings order item meta
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.2.2 and WooCommerce 7.7.2
1.5.27 (5 June 2023)
ADDED: WooCommerce HPOS support
FIXED: Partial refund bug
FIXED: German language date bugs
FIXED: Dutch language date bugs
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.2.2 and WooCommerce 7.7.2
1.5.23 (17 March 2023)
FIXED: Various bookings checkout bugs
FIXED: Bug where product was once a booking event and then changed to another event type
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.2 and WooCommerce 7.6.0
1.5.19 (7 March 2023)
FIXED: Single slot, single date add to cart bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.1.1 and WooCommerce 7.4.1
1.5.18 (6 March 2023)
FIXED: Checkout validation bug
FIXED: Add to cart validation bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.1.1 and WooCommerce 7.4.1
1.5.15 (23 January 2023)
ADDED: Delete confirmation when deleting slot on product page
FIXED: Slot and date terminology override on cart page
FIXED: Bug with j.m.Y date format
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.1.1 and WooCommerce 7.3.0
1.5.9 (12 December 2022)
FIXED: Validation bug when non booking product is in cart
FIXED: Removed slot times on cart and ticket if option to hide time is enabled
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.1.1 and WooCommerce 7.1.1
1.5.5 (21 November 2022)
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.1.1 and WooCommerce 7.1.0
1.5.4 (7 November 2022)
FIXED: Plugin conflict caused by table list
FIXED: Support for Lithuanian month names
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.1.0 and WooCommerce 7.0.1
1.5.3 (12 October 2022)
FIXED: Fetch dates expiration bug
FIXED: Date/slot add to cart bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.0.2 and WooCommerce 7.0.0
1.5.0 (3 October 2022)
ADDED: Bookings admin features
ADDED: Enhanced bookings expiration options
FIXED: Bookings with time on calendar bug
FIXED: Bug with saving a product with lots of slots
FIXED: Various checkout validation bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.0.2 and WooCommerce 6.9.4
1.4.3 (19 July 2022)
FIXED: Booking times not displaying in cart
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.0.1 and WooCommerce 6.7.0
1.4.1 (20 June 2022)
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 6.0.0 and WooCommerce 6.6.0
1.4.0 (24 May 2022)
ADDED: Support for Follow-Up Emails plugin
FIXED: Update message on plugin page even though running latest version
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.9.3 and WooCommerce 6.5.1
1.2.20 (3 May 2022)
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.9.3 and WooCommerce 6.4.1
1.2.18 (23 March 2022)
FIXED: Update service optimizations
FIXED: Out of stock display on Date -> Slot outputs
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.9.2 and WooCommerce 6.3.1
1.2.16 (14 March 2022)
FIXED: High number of slots saving bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.9.2 and WooCommerce 6.3.1
1.2.14 (15 February 2022)
ADDED: Bookings display options
FIXED: Single digit time selection bug
FIXED: PHP 8.0 compatibility
FIXED: Terminology bug
FIXED: Booking slot/date ordering bug
FIXED: Duplicate booking options when using calendar shortcode bug
FIXED: First time Zoom meeting generation bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.9 and WooCommerce 6.2.0
1.2.6 (23 December 2021)
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.2 and WooCommerce 5.9.0
1.2.4 (13 December 2021)
FIXED: Expiration bug with Languages that have Unicode characters
FIXED: Unicode character save bug
FIXED: Add time copy slot bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.2 and WooCommerce 5.9.0
1.2.2 (15 November 2021)
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.2 and WooCommerce 5.9.0
1.2.0 (25 October 2021)
UPDATED: Various security updates
FIXED: WPML translation stock sync bug
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.1 and WooCommerce 5.8.0
1.1.57 (20 September 2021)
FIXED: Add to cart validation bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8.1 and WooCommerce 5.6.0
1.1.55 (7 September 2021)
FIXED: Bug where bookings times display on calendar even though all day event option is enabled
FIXED: Support for D F j date format
FIXED: Admin bug with d/m/Y date format
FIXED: Bug with editing ticket when original date is deleted
FIXED: Only display bookings that are out of stock on calendar if option is enabled
FIXED: Chrome bug when pressing back after adding booking to cart
FIXED: Bookings validation bug
FIXED: Restock logic bug when stock at 0
FIXED: Sort dates on Slot -> Date output
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.8 and WooCommerce 5.6.0
1.1.45 (19 July 2021)
ADDED: Restock on refunded orders when “Restock refunded items?” is enabled
FIXED: Bug where slot not selected when clicking through from calendar
FIXED: Slot validation bug when using Min/Max Quantity plugin
FIXED: Booking expire bug m/d/y vs d/m/y
FIXED: Expire on Date -> Slot format
FIXED: Sort date listing in correct order
FIXED: Bug where dates display even if there is no stock
FIXED: Slot time when click through from calendar
FIXED: Various timezone updates
FIXED: Edit ticket bookings bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.7.2 and WooCommerce 5.5.1
1.1.31 (19 May 2021)
ADDED: Support for Zoom offset in ICS
FIXED: Booking calendar links for site not using permalinks
FIXED: Add to cart stock validation
FIXED: Expiration bugs
FIXED: Date and slot selection carrying over between product and checkout pages
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.7.2 and WooCommerce 5.3.0
1.1.23 (13th April 2021)
FIXED: Bookings expiration bugs
FIXED: JavaScript translation bug
FIXED: Bookings selection bugs when clicking through from calendar
FIXED: Various other small bugs
UPDATED: Use wp_remote_post() instead of CURL
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.7 and WooCommerce 5.1.0
1.1.14 (24 March 2021)
FIXED: Bug where booking times do not save
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.7 and WooCommerce 5.1.0
1.1.12 (23 March 2021)
UPDATED: Various performance updates
FIXED: Return booking stock on order cancel
FIXED: Calendar booking output
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.7 and WooCommerce 5.1.0
1.1.0 (16 February 2021)
ADDED: Option to display booking date selection before slot
ADDED: Option to hide bookings date
ADDED: Bookings Zoom integration
ADDED: Pre-selected slot and date when clicking through from calendar
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.6.1 and WooCommerce 5.0.0
1.0.14 (25 January 2021)
FIXED: Bookings display on calendar
FIXED: Include category on calendar
FIXED: -1 stock bookings bug
FIXED: Various other small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.6 and WooCommerce 4.9.1
1.0.7 (14 December 2020)
FIXED: Booking date support for some languages
FIXED: Bookings on calendar event list
FIXED: Expiration bug
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.6 and WooCommerce 4.8.0
1.0.4 (26 November 2020)
ADDED: Missing translation compatibility
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.5.3 and WooCommerce 4.7.0
1.0.2 (17 November 2020)
FIXED: Various small bugs
TESTED ON: WordPress 5.5.3 and WooCommerce 4.7.0