When a customer purchases multiple tickets on behalf of a group, FooEvents generates an individual ticket for each attendee. By default, when using the FooEvents Check-ins app to check-in tickets, each ticket is checked in individually. This can be cumbersome and particularly problematic when a single buyer purchases and manages tickets for many attendees, such as tour guides or family groups. In these scenarios, you may want to check in an entire group of tickets together rather than scanning each ticket separately.
To address this, FooEvents offers a “Check-in all tickets for the same order” setting in the FooEvents Check-ins app. When this setting is enabled, all relevant tickets created from the same WooCommerce order can be checked in simultaneously. This setting will only apply to tickets from the same order that are for the same event. If the tickets are for a booking, it will only check in tickets for the same booking slot. This means your customers can still purchase tickets for multiple events and booking slots within the same order, without tickets for other events or booking slots being checked in incorrectly.
To enable this setting follow these steps:
- Login to the FooEvents Check-ins app
- Tap on the Settings icon (top right of the screen)
- Enable Check-in all tickets for the same order