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  5. Plugin settings

Plugin settings

To view the FooEvents POS plugin settings, login to your WordPress dashboard and go to FooEvents POS > Settings in the left sidebar.

Sections #


FooEvents payment settings screen
FooEvents license key Required for automatic plugin updates.
Use FooEvents Check-ins app appearance settings Use the same custom appearance settings for FooEvents POS that are selected for the Check-ins app.
App title The title that displays on the sign-in screen beneath the app logo and is also used to name the page that loads the POS for further customization.
App logo Upload or select an existing image that will be used as the main app logo (PNG format with transparency is recommended).
Primary interface color The primary color that will be used to style various interface elements in the app such as buttons, spinners, order list headers and sliders.
Primary text color The primary color that will be used for body text contained within various interface elements in the app.
App icon Upload or select an existing image that will be used as the main app icon (512 x 512 PNG format with transparency is recommended).


FooEvents POS Customer settings
POS Customers
Customer user role The FooEvents POS app will only fetch users with the selected roles. This can be customized by selecting other user role(s) in the multi-select box.
Default Customer Select the customer that should be used by default for any new orders created in the FooEvents POS app.
POS Users By default, access to FooEvents POS is restricted to users with the “Administrator” or “Cashier” user role. However, if you would like other users to have access to the FooEvents POS app but don’t necessarily want to grant them Admin access to your site, you can manage permissions for other user roles by installing a free WordPress plugin called User Role Editor.


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Product categories to display The FooEvents POS app will display all published products by default, but you can select specific product categories to display instead from the multi-select box.
Product status

The FooEvents POS app will only fetch products with the selected status.

Products per request When fetching all data you can specify how many products the FooEvents POS app should load in each request (lower values will result in slower product load times but this usually works better for servers with limited resources).
Only fetch in stock products The FooEvents POS app will only display products that have a status of ‘In Stock’.
Show attribute labels Display attribute labels next to their values for product variations.
Use decimal values in quantities Enable the use of decimal values in the quantity field.


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Order statuses to load
The FooEvents POS app will only fetch orders with the selected statuses. This can be customized by selecting each status using the multi-select box.
Order load limit Limit the number of recent orders to load in the FooEvents POS app.
Fetch order notes The FooEvents POS app will fetch and display corresponding order notes in the Order Details section. This may cause performance issues and the FooEvents POS app might run out of memory on certain platforms when a large volume of orders is fetched. Disabling this setting will still load notes to customers.
Order submit statuses Select the statuses that will be shown on the checkout screen to override the default order submit status when submitting an order.
Default submit order status Set the default status that orders should have when submitting via the POS.
Incomplete order statuses Orders with the selected statuses can be sent through the checkout process in order to capture a payment. Please note that order details such as cart items, customer or coupon codes will not be editable.
Disable new order emails Disable sending new order emails in WooCommerce for orders created in the FooEvents POS app.
New order alerts > Order status Select the order statuses that should trigger a new order alert in the POS app when new or updated orders are fetched in the background.
New order alerts > Shipping method Select the shipping methods that should trigger a new order alert in the POS app when new or updated orders are fetched in the background.


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Store logo Select an existing image to use as the logo on receipts or upload a new file (preferably hi-res black and white).
Store name Name of the store displayed on receipts.
Header content Optional content which displays immediately after the store name and logo at the top of receipts.
Receipt title Title of the receipt (e.g. “Tax Invoice”).
Order number prefix Text which displays in front of the order number (e.g. “Order”).
Product column title Title of the product column (e.g. “Product”).
Quantity column title Title of the quantity column (e.g. “Qty”).
Price column title Title of the price column (e.g. “Price”).
Subtotal column title Title of the subtotal column (e.g. “Subtotal”).
Show product SKU Display the product SKU on the receipt.
Inclusive abbreviation Abbreviation used to indicate the inclusive price (e.g. “incl.”).
Exclusive abbreviation Abbreviation used to indicate the exclusive price (e.g. “excl.”).
Discounts title Title of the discounts field (e.g. “Discounts”).
Refunds title Title of the refunds field (e.g. “Refunds”).
Tax title Title used for the combined tax total (e.g. “Tax”).
Total title Title of the combined total (e.g. “Total”).
Payment method title Title of the payment method (e.g. “Payment Method”).
Billing address title Title of the billing address (e.g. “Billing Address”).
Shipping address title Title of the shipping address (e.g. “Shipping Address”).
Footer content Optional content displayed at the bottom of receipts and invoices.
Display FooEvents POS logo Display the FooEvents POS logo at the bottom of receipts and invoices.


FE payment settings

Payment Methods Select which payment methods should show in the POS by enabling or disabling the WooCommerce payment methods. Refer to the Payments section for more information.
POS Payments If you wish to update previous orders in bulk to enable the new payment functionality, and have these payments displayed on the Payments screen, please click the “Update Orders” button. Note: this script updates orders in batches of 100.


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Square Payments
Application ID Enables secure communication between FooEvents POS and the Square Point of Sale app.
Access Token Links WooCommerce orders to Square transactions and enables automatic Square refunds in the FooEvents POS app.
Stripe Payments
Publishable key Used for initializing a secure Stripe manual card payment form in the FooEvents POS app. This option can be left empty if the Stripe manual card payment method will not be used.
Secret key Enables secure communication between FooEvents POS and your Stripe account.


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Enable ‘Sales Channel’ filter Enables a ‘Sales Channel’ filter on the Orders report in WooCommerce Analytics so you can filter between orders placed online and through the FooEvents POS app.
Enable order analytics Allow FooEvents POS to anonymously collect non-sensitive data for orders placed through the FooEvents POS app such as order totals, country and payment method (to opt out, leave this box unchecked).


FooEvents POS performs various checks which show critical information about your store’s configuration and issues that require your attention.

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