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FooEvents Plugin Privacy Policy

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How FooEvents Stores Data


FooEvents stores basic plugin configurations within the WordPress database using standard WordPress methods. All settings and configurations are stored within the wp_options table.

FooEvents extends WooCommerce product functionality to create event products. This is done by adding certain meta to products using standard WordPress and WooCommerce methods. All event meta is stored within the wp_postmeta table where the post_id matches the product ID.

On checkout, attendee, ticket and customer data is stored as meta within the WooCommerce order custom post type in the wp_postmeta table. This data is stored where the meta_key = “WooCommerceEventsOrderTickets” and where the post_id matches the custom post type order ID.

FooEvents uses a custom post type to create event tickets. This custom post type is named “event_magic_tickets” and is stored in the wp_posts table. Meta is added to the ticket custom post type which contains ticket details and is stored within the wp_postmeta table where the post_id matches the “event_magic_ticket” ID.

ICS Files

When the “Display ‘Add to calendar’ on ticket?” option is enabled in product event settings, this adds functionality that end users can download .ics files to add events to their calendars. This file is generated as soon as the end user clicks the “Add to calendar” button on their ticket and is not automatically updated remotely. The .ics files contain basic event information such as event name, date and time.

CSV Export Files

FooEvents contains functionality that allows the event organizer to export all event attendees and their details. This export feature is intended to be used as a backup in case the website administrator doesn’t have access to attendee check-in functionality, as found in the FooEvents Express Check-in plugin and FooEvents Check-ins app for example. Information that is stored in this CSV export includes attendee and purchaser details, completed custom fields and selected variations and billing information (e.g. address, ticket check-in statuses). NB: The CSV export file is portable and printable and therefore appropriate care should be taken to keep this file safe by the site administrator and event staff.

Mobile Apps

The FooEvents Check-ins app uses the built-in WordPress REST API to communicate with FooEvents plugins in order to retrieve event and attendee data as well as process ticket check-ins. If the REST API is not accessible, the app tries to communicate via the built-in WordPress XML-RPC connection as a fallback. Data that is transferred between the plugins and app includes: Attendee and purchaser data, event data, ticket check-in status.

The app has offline features and therefore caches retrieved data on the device. The cached file is stored using standard iOS and Android security best practices.


FooEvents generates barcodes based on the unique ticket ID generated by the FooEvents plugin. Barcodes are used for ticket check-ins. The barcodes are stored in the ‘wp-content/uploads/fooevents/barcodes‘ directory. The barcode filename is generated using the following formats:

[unique-ticket-hash]-[unique-ticket-ID].jpg + [unique-ticket-hash]-[unique-ticket-ID].png

Each ticket is assigned a unique ticket hash, ticket ID and ticket generation time. Barcodes are accessible via HTTP.

PDF Tickets

When the FooEvents PDF Tickets plugin is active and enabled, PDF copies of tickets are generated and stored in the ‘wp-content/uploads/fooevents/pdftickets‘ directory.

Single PDF tickets are named using the following format:


Multiple PDF tickets are named using the following format:


PDF tickets contain purchaser and attendee data, event data and end user selected variations. PDF tickets are accessible via HTTP.


When the product event ticket option “Email tickets?” is enabled, the tickets are sent to either the attendee or purchaser depending on whether the “Email attendee rather than purchaser?” option is enabled or disabled. Tickets contain purchaser and attendee data, event data and end user selected variations. Once a ticket has been sent out, it will be stored indefinitely on the website administrators email server depending on the email address/es that were completed at checkout.

How To Remove Data

Removing Tickets and Orders

To remove tickets:

  1. Navigate to the Ticket admin section in your WordPress Admin Area
  2. Highlight the ticket/s that should be deleted
  3. Select Move to bin in bulk actions and click Apply
  4. Navigate to the ticket Bin
  5. Highlight the ticket/s that should be deleted
  6. Select Delete permanently in bulk actions and click Apply

To remove orders:

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce > Orders
  2. Highlight the ticket/s that should be deleted
  3. Select Move to bin in bulk actions and click Apply
  4. Navigate to the order Bin
  5. Highlight the ticket/s that should be deleted
  6. Select Delete permanently in bulk actions and click “Apply

Removing Plugin Options and Settings

To remove all FooEvents options and settings, simply disable and uninstall the plugins. The plugins will automatically remove all options and settings from the database during the uninstallation process.

Removing FooEvents Files

To remove the FooEvents files:

  1. Disable and uninstall the plugins as per above instructions (Removing Plugin Options and Settings)
  2. Connect to your web server via an FTP client and navigate to ‘wp-content/plugins‘ in the WordPress directory. Ensure that all FooEvents plugin directories have been deleted.
  3. Connect to your web server via an FTP client and navigate to ‘wp-content/uploads‘ in the WordPress directory and delete the entire ‘fooevents’ folder

User Roles, Capabilities and Permissions

FooEvents makes extensive use of the built-in WordPress user role and capability functionality to ensure better privacy. By default, only users with the role of “Administrator” will have access to all the FooEvents features. If you require an additional WordPress user role to have access to specific FooEvents features, you will need to assign capabilities to this role using a third-party WordPress plugin.